Item description - 商品説明 -
¥送料一律¥ スーパー グリップ 白 ホワイト 全長 130mm 貫通
愛車のワンポイント、カスタムにいかがでしょうか? この機会に是非ご検討下さい。
カラー:ホワイト 左右セット 全長:130mm
Item spec - 商品仕様 -
商品名 | スーパー グリップ 白 ホワイト 全長 130mm 貫通 |
商品番号 | 1013000076 |
カラー | 白 |
JANコード | |
保証期間 | メーカーの規定に準ずる |
メーカー | |
材質 | ゴム系 |
重量(約) | |
付属物 | セット内容は画像をご参照ください。 |
適合 その他 | 汎用 |
- Please read first -
To foreign customers. Thank you for visiting the N auto plan products.The text below is just a simple translation. Please forgive me though it may be a difficult-to-read product introduction. *Before placing an order, it is your responsibility to investigate and determine whether the item is prohibited from being brought into or used in a foreign country, tax evasion, copyright infringement, violation of various laws, etc.We will not be held responsible for any incidents arising from your order.*When ordering from a foreign country, please use an online shopping agency, etc. to place the order. We cannot ship directly to foreign countries. Please use an agent that handles delivery. *We cannot accept orders for products that are prohibited from being sold overseas due to instructions from the manufacturer, laws and regulations in Japan, and rules that exclusive stores must comply with.*
- Product description -
Color: white Left and right set Overall length: 130mm * Sales will be as described in the title.
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