PS3、PS4、PS5は 初期設定で再生可能です。
コメント:Mariel (Maria Villar) longs to play the role of Isabella in a local theater troupes production of Shakespeares Measure for Measure, but money problems prevent her from preparing for the audition. She thinks of asking her brother for financial help, but is worried about being too direct. Her solution is to ask her brothers girlfriend, Luciana (Agustina Munoz), also an actress and a more self-assured one, to convince her brother to give her the money. Luciana agrees on the condition that Mariel will not abandon her acting and continue to prepare for the part of Isabella. The latest in Matias Pineiros series of films inspired by the women of Shakespeares comedies is his most structurally daring and visually stunning work to date. Through their rich and layered performances, Munoz and Villar demonstrate a profound intimacy formed over more than a decade of collaboration with their director. Isabella is a film about the ongoing battle between doubt and ambition that never discounts the possibility of a new beginning.
【中古】エンティティー/霊体 [DVD]/シドニー・J・フューリー
【中古】アフター・ウェディング スペシャル・エディション [DVD] マッツ・ミケルセン, シセ・バベット・クヌッセン(出演), スサンネ・ビア(監督)
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