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2022 Ponce P.F.
The Wine Advocate
RP 96
Reviewed by:Luis Gutierrez
Release Price:$25
Drink Date:2024 - 2031
The 2022 P.F. has the depth and seriousness of the ungrafted vines and the balance of what they consider a great vintage for them. It has 13.5% alcohol, and its juicy and has round tannins after fermenting and maturing in 4,500-liter oak vats for 10 months. It feels super balanced, serious, with depth and complexity, subtle, nicely integrated, fine-boned and balanced. This feels more harmonious, more than most of the rest of 2022s. Its tasty, subtle and elegant. These last few vintages are a lot more elegant and less rustic than the wines were in the past, and the tannins are fine-grained and round. 18,000 bottles produced. It was bottled in July 2023.
品種:ボバル 100%
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