First Responders tells the story of trauma therapist Karen Williams who has built her practice helping first responders. Although her professional life is challenging, she finds that serving these brave men and women by listening to their stories and walking beside them toward healing gives is incredibly rewarding. However, the challenges of PTSD turn from the clinical to the personal when Karens husband, Mark, a career firefighter, returns from a life-changing blaze, and she discovers that years of counseling others have done little to prepare her for life in a marriage where traumatic events are impacting her husband. At her darkest hour, will she be able to find answers in the peace that passes all understanding?こちらのDVDは輸入盤DVDです。リージョン=フリーのDVDプレイヤーでない場合、再生できない可能性があります。
コメント:First Responders tells the story of trauma therapist Karen Williams who has built her practice helping first responders. Although her professional life is challenging, she finds that serving these brave men and women by listening to their stories and walking beside them toward healing gives is incredibly rewarding. However, the challenges of PTSD turn from the clinical to the personal when Karens husband, Mark, a career firefighter, returns from a life-changing blaze, and she discovers that years of counseling others have done little to prepare her for life in a marriage where traumatic events are impacting her husband. At her darkest hour, will she be able to find answers in the peace that passes all understanding?
【中古】 イングロリアス・バスターズ [DVD]
【おまけCL付】2024.11.06発売 ベサニー・ハミルトン:アンストッパブル Blu-ray / (1Blu-ray) KIXF1922
BD / アル・パチーノ / ゴッドファーザー(最終章):マイケル・コルレオーネの最期 (4K Ultra HD Blu-ray+Blu-ray) / PJXF-1540
【輸入盤ブルーレイ】【新品】HEAVENLY BODIES【B2024/10/22発売】(ヘブンリー・ボディーズ)
BD / 洋画 / 300(スリーハンドレッド) リミテッド・コレクターズ・エディション(Blu-ray) (2DVD+1Blu-ray) (初回限定生産版) / SDB-Y24710
【中古】 火の馬 プレミアム・エディション デジタル・リマスター版/セルゲイ・パラジャーノフ(監督),イワン・ミコライチューク,ラリーサ・カードチニコワ